The district has completed the Lead and Copper Inventory. Through field investigation of the distribution system, it has been determined that the system has no lead service lines or galvanized requiring replacement service lines. The system has been determined as a non-lead community.
Belterra Residents and Water Customers –
We were notified this morning that the WTCPUA has initiated to Stage 2 water restrictions. Although recent notifications from the LCRA predicted the initiation of Stage 2 on March 1, the WTCPUA has a separate set of criteria in place for implementation of Stage 2 restrictions that is based on water demand and the WTCPUA’s water production capacity. As customers of both the LCRA and the WTCPUA, the WCIDs comply with both LCRA and WTCPUA drought contingency requirements. Consequently, Stage 2 watering restrictions will be in effect for Belterra as of today, February 21.
According to the LCRA Drought Contingency Plan, the LCRA will move to Stage 2 on March 1 if combined storage in lakes Buchanan and Travis is below 1.1 million acre-feet (currently 1.016 million) and the December-January-February inflows to the Highland Lakes total less than the 25th percentile of historic inflows, or 62,690 acre-feet, for that three-month period. Inflows to the Highland Lakes in December were 8,711 acre-feet and 9,617 acre-feet in January. Given the likelihood of LCRA moving to Stage 2 on March 1, we do not anticipate a return to Stage 1 restrictions in the near future.
Please note that the watering schedule for Belterra differs from the WTCPUA watering schedule. You may refer to the WCID website ( to determine your designated once-per-week watering day. Please adjust your irrigation systems accordingly. Additionally, please notify us by email at if you experience low water pressure.
We would also like to remind residents that the WCIDs irrigate many common areas with reclaimed water from our wastewater plant, as opposed to drinking water from the WTCPUA. Irrigation with reclaimed water is our primary method of reuse, and outdoor watering restrictions do not apply to these common areas.
Stage 2 Water Restrictions are:
Once a week, watering
Watering must occur between 12:00 AM and 7:00 AM on the designated day. Hand watering restrictions are permitted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on any day.”