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RWA line items

An RWA line item on your bill reflects the amount charged by your Local Reginal Water Authority (RWA) for converting groundwater to surface water.

Customers are charged per 1,000 gallons used. Rates vary per district and will fluctuate based on consumption. (The more water the customer uses, the higher this fee will be).

Here is a list of our Local RWAs, and their billing abbreviations:


What is a Regional Water Authority (RWA)?

On June 18, 1999, the bill (HB 2965) that created the Regional Water Authorities (RWAs) was signed into law, and called a special election so voters could confirm the creation of the new Authority and elect Directors to lead it.

Following the elections, the RWAs became empowered to negotiate for a secure, long-term, reliable, quality supply of wholesale drinking water for all the independent neighborhoods, municipal utility districts, small municipalities, and permitted well owners within its boundaries.

The RWA’s primary assignment is to develop and implement a strategy for complying with the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District’s Regulatory Plan that requires a reduction in groundwater usage to no more than 20 percent of total water demand by the year 2030.

Since the Authorities are not taxing entities, funding for our future water supply and the infrastructure through which to deliver it is being accomplished through the sale of revenue bonds, and paid for by groundwater pumpage fees.

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